Tuesday, April 29, 2014

Using SAS® to Build Customer Level Datasets for Predictive Modeling

1. Using SAS® to Build Customer Level Datasets for Predictive Modeling


Monday, April 28, 2014

Manipulate dataset: %split

Split data set :
1. equally split by _n_:
%macro split(ndsn=2);
 data %do i = 1 %to &ndsn.; dsn&i. %end; ;
 retain x;
 set orig nobs=nobs;
 if _n_ eq 1
 then do;
 if mod(nobs,&ndsn.) eq 0
 then x=int(nobs/&ndsn.);
 else x=int(nobs/&ndsn.)+1;
 if _n_ le x then output dsn1;
 %do i = 2 %to &ndsn.;
 else if _n_ le (&i.*x)
 then output dsn&i.;
%mend split;


2. the number of dataset
a. when NOBS= option on a SET not always return the correct number
look this:

b. regular solution

3. remove the duplicate records:
by SQL: http://www2.sas.com/proceedings/sugi25/25/cc/25p106.pdf

4. The pros and cons of using PROC FREQ, PROC MEANS, and PROC TABULATE to check the quality of date variables

5. Split Data into Subsets
best practice:

6.  the lag function:

7. Set, Match, Merge … Don’t You Love SAS

SAS shortcut keys

1. keys
comment: Ctrl + /;              un comment Ctrl + shift + /
F8 run;     Ctrl + E: clear log;             replace: Ctrl + H

2. clear ods html output:
by adding this code at the end of your code:
ods html close;
ods preferences;

Tuesday, April 22, 2014

SAS, IBM, Microsoft, Oracle, SAP BI Certificate

Prominent BI certification vendors include:

IBM: IBM’s BI and analytics certifications are quite expansive and correlate to products such as Cognos, SPSS, IBM PureSystems, and more. Common roles for certification include those as developers, administrators, and specialists in various aspects of data mining, reporting, warehousing, and others.
Microsoft: Microsoft offers certificates for BI in its SQL Server Platform and as part of its Microsoft Certified Solutions Expert credential. The latter requires taking examinations in querying, administration, warehousing, modeling, reporting, and design.

SAS: SAS is well renowned for its BI certificate programs, many of which are offered at the collegiate and university level and which influence the curriculum at certain higher learning institutions. Certification subjects are in areas of advanced analytics, BI, programming, administration, and information management.

Pentaho: Pentaho offers two exams for certification, the Pentaho Data Integration Exam and the Pentaho Solution Consultant Exam. The former covers aspects of Big Data, ETL (exchange transform and load) operations, clustering and partitioning, while the latter is based on its business analytics platform, reporting and OLAP (online analytical processing). Pentaho offers formal courses in its products to prepare for these exams.
Oracle: Oracle has a variety of certification options for database and warehousing technologies in BI standards such as querying and reporting.
SAP: SAP offers certification according to technology or role, and offers online training courses for preparation.




SAS Modules - Brief Introduction


  • SAS/Base  是SAS系统的核心,它负责数据管理,交互应用环境管 理,进行用户语言处理,调用其它SAS产品。Base SAS对SAS系统的的数据库提供丰富的数据管理功能,还支持用标准SQL语言对数据进行操作。Base SAS能够制作从简单列表到比较复杂的统计报表和用户自定义的式样的复杂报表。Base SAS可进行基本的描述性统计及变量间相关系数的计算,进行正态分布检验等。同时它还支持长数据名,并具有强化了的Web功能。

  • SAS/STAT 覆盖了所有的实用数理统计分析方法,是国际统计分析 领域的标准软件。SAS/STAT提供十多个过程可进行各种不同模型或不同特点数据的回归分析,如正交回归、响应面回归、logistic回归、非线性回归等,且具有多种模型选择方法。可处理的数据有实型数据、有序数据和属性数据,并能产生各种有用的统计量和诊断信息。在方差分析方面,SAS/STAT为多种试验设计模型提供了方差分析工具。更一般的,它还有处理一般线性模型和广义线性模型的专用过程。在多变量统计分析方面, SAS/STAT为主成分分析、典型相关分析、判别分析和因子分析提供了许多专用过程。SAS/STAT还包含多种聚类准则的聚类分析方法。

  • SAS/GRAPH 强有力的图形软件包SAS/GRAPH可将数据及其包含着的 深层信息以多种图形生动地呈现出来,如直方图、圆饼图、星形图、散点相关图、曲线图、三维曲面图、等高线图及地理图等等。SAS/GRAPH提供一个全屏幕编辑器;提供多种设备驱动程序,支持非常广泛的图形输出以及标准的图形交换文件。

  • SAS/ETS 提供丰富的计量经济学和时间序列分析方法,是研究复 杂系统和进行预测的有力工具。它提供方便的模型设定手段、多样的参数估计方法。

  • SAS/ASSIST 面向任务的菜单驱动界面,为SAS系统提供了面向任务 的菜单驱动界面,借助它可以通过菜单系统来使用SAS系统其它产品。它自动生成的SAS程序既可辅助有经验的用户快速编写SAS程序,又可帮助用户学习SAS语言

  • SAS/INSIGHT 可视化的数据探索工具。它将统计方法与交互式图形显 示融合在一起,为用户提供一种全新的使用统计分析方法的环境。

  • SAS/LAB  一个半智能化的交互式数据分析界面,自动生成常用的 各种分析结果,非常适合初学者使用

  • SAS/Warehouse Administrator 数据仓库管理工具。它在其它SAS软件的基础上提供了一个建立数据仓库的管理层,包括:定义数据仓库和主 题,数据转换和汇总,汇总数据的更新、Metadata的建立、管理和查询,Data Marts和Info Marts的实现。

  • SAS/Enterprise Miner 企业级数据挖掘工具,基于“SEMMA”理念,为用户提 供了从抽样工具、数据重组、神经元网络、数据回归到结果显示的许多新过程,使SAS的分析功能得到了全新的发挥

  • SAS/MDDB Server SAS的多维数据库产品。主要用于在线分析处理 (OLAP),可将从数据仓库或其他数据源来的数据以立体阵列的方式存储,以便于用多维数据浏览器等工具快速和方便地访问数据。

  • SAS/SPDS  Scalable Performance Data Server(SPDS)是一高性能的多用户数据服务器,主要针对数据仓库应用中的数据检索来设计。该服务器充分利用了SMP结构的特性以提高I/O的效率

  • SAS/GIS 集地理信息系统功能与空间数据的显示和分析于一体。 它提供层次化的地理信息,每一层可以是某些地理元素,也可与用户定义的主题(例如人口,产值等)相关联。用户可交互式地缩小或放大地图,设定各层次显示与否,并利用各种交互式工具进行数据显示和分析。

  • SAS/AF 应用开发工具。SAS系统是功能丰富的软件包,用户使 用SAS/AF可将包含众多现成功能的SAS软件作为方法库。利用SAS/AF的屏幕设计能力以及SCL语言的处理能力来快速开发各种功能强大的应用系统。SAS/AF也采用了先进的OOP(面向对象编程)技术,使用户可以方便快速地开发各类具有图形用户界面(GUI)的应用系统

  • SAS/FSP SAS/FSP提供对SAS数据集的屏幕浏览和编辑功能。它 能快速地打开SAS数据集,并提供数据录入、编辑和查询等功能。同时也是一个开发工具。

  • SAS/EIS 决策支持表现工具,也是一个快速应用开发工具。 SAS/EIS完全采用新兴的面向对象的编程模式。EIS是以生动直观的方式(图或表)将关键性或总结性信息呈现给适当使用者的非常易用的系统

  • SAS/Enterprise Reporter 企业级的跨平台智能数据转换和报表生成工具

  • SAS/IntrNet SAS/IntrNet为SAS Web应用提供了数据服务和计算服 务:htmSQL为一Web服务器的CGI程序,它使得可以通过Web浏览器动态查询SAS数据或外部的关系型数据库;SAS ODBC Driver使得能通过支持ODBC的 Windows Web服务器来访问SAS数据;SAS Driver for JDBC使得可以通过Java applet来查询SAS数据; SAS/IntrNet Application Dispatcher使得可以通过Web浏览器动态地递交SAS程序到SAS应用服务器执行,并将结果返回浏览器

  • SAS/OR 提供全面的运筹学方法,是一种强有力的决策支持工具。 它辅助人们实现对人力、时间以及其它各种资源的最佳利用。SAS/OR包含通用的线性规划、混合整数规划和非线性规划的求解,也为专门的规划问题提供更为直接的解决办法,如网络流问题、运输问题、分配问题等。SAS/OR包含用于项目管理、时间安排和资源分配等问题的一整套方法。

  • SAS/QC 为全面质量管理提供了一系列工具。它也提供一套全屏 幕菜单系统引导用户进行标准的统计过程控制以及试验设计。SAS/QC提供了多种不同类型控制图的制作与分析。Pareto图(排列图)可用于发现需优先考虑的因素,Ishikawa图(鱼骨图)使用户直观地进行因果分析。

  • SAS/IML 提供功能强大的面向矩阵运算的编程语言。帮助用户研 究新算法或解决SAS中没有现成短法的专门问题。SAS/IML中的基本数据元素是矩阵。它包含大量的数学运算符、函数和例行程序,用户用很少的语句便可描述很复杂的计算过程。

  • SAS/CALC 功能强大的电子表格软件,它具有财务分析、数值建模、 数据整合及管理的能力。初学者和有经验的人员都能通过一个标准表格式界面管理和分析电子表格中的数据。程序员和应用开发人员可以使用强有力的编程窗口,利用电子编程语言,建立完整的应用浏览器动态地递交SAS程序到SAS应用服务器执行,并将结果返回浏览器。  
  • SAS/OR 提供全面的运筹学方法,是一种强有力的决策支持工具。 它辅助人们实现对人力、时间以及其它各种资源的最佳利用。SAS/OR包含通用的线性规划、混合整数规划和非线性规划的求解,也为专门的规划问题提供更为直接的解决办法,如网络流问题、运输问题、分配问题等。SAS/OR包含用于项目管理、时间安排和资源分配等问题的一整套方法。 

  •  SAS/QC 为全面质量管理提供了一系列工具。它也提供一套全屏 幕菜单系统引导用户进行标准的统计过程控制以及试验设计。SAS/QC提供了多种不同类型控制图的制作与分析。Pareto图(排列图)可用于发现需优先考虑的因素,Ishikawa图(鱼骨图)使用户直观地进行因果分析。  
  • SAS/IML 提供功能强大的面向矩阵运算的编程语言。帮助用户研 究新算法或解决SAS中没有现成短法的专门问题。SAS/IML中的基本数据元素是矩阵。它包含大量的数学运算符、函数和例行程序,用户用很少的语句便可描述很复杂的计算过程。   

  • SAS/ACCESS 为了对众多不同格式的数据进行查询、访问和分析, SAS/ACCESS提供了和目前许多流行数据库软件的接口。利用SAS/ACCESS,可建立外部异构数据库的一个统一的公共数据界面。SAS/ACCESS提供的与外部数据库的接口是透明的和动态的。用户不必将数据真正读入SAS数据库,而只需在SAS中建立对外部的描述(即View)文件,便可将此文件当作真正存储着数据的SAS数据集一样使用。对一些反复经常使用的外部数据,可以利用SAS/ACCESS将数据真正提取进入SAS数据库,SAS/ACCESS提供的接口是双向的,既可将数据读入SAS,也可在SAS中更新外部数据或将SAS数据加载到外部数据库中。目前,SAS/ACCESS支持的数据库主要有IMS-DL-I,SQL/DS,DB2,ADABAS,Rdb,Oracle,Sybase,Ingres,Informix,DBF/DIF,Excel,ODBC等

  • SAS/CONNECT 在目前标准的网络环境下,通过SAS/CONNECT可以使 各平台的SAS系统建立内在联系,实现分布处理,从而有效地利用各平台的数据及其资源。SAS/CONNECT既提供远程计算服务,也提供远端数据服务。 SAS/CONNECT支持多种分布处理模式,包括流行的Client/Server方式。目前,SAS/CONNECT支持MVS,CMS,VSE,OpenVMS,UNIX,OS/2,Windows,Windows95/98,Windows NT,DOS,AOS/VS,PRIMOS等常用系统之间的几乎各种互连方式以及TCP/IP,APPC,DECNet,NETBIOS,TELNET,ASYNC,HLLAPI,3270等多种通讯方法 目前,SAS/CONNECT支持MVS,CMS,VSE,OpenVMS,UNIX,OS/2,Windows,Windows95/98,Windows NT,DOS,AOS/VS,PRIMOS等常用系统之间的几乎各种互连方式以及TCP/IP,APPC,DECNet,NETBIOS,TELNET,ASYNC,HLLAPI,3270等多种通讯方法。 

  • SAS/SHARE SAS系统中进行数据库的并发性控制的专门软件。它对 同时有多个用户操作的同一文件(读、写、更新)的系统提供一个可靠、高效的多用户数据访问环境。Client/Server方式。 SAS/SHARE SAS系统中进行数据库的并发性控制的专门软件。它对 同时有多个用户操作的同一文件(读、写、更新)的系统提供一个可靠、高效的多用户数据访问环境。

  • SAS/Risk Analysis Environment 应用最新的数据仓库、分析和报表技术,企业级的风险 评估和管理环境

  • SAS/CRM 客户关系管理系统

  • SAS/IT Service Vision  IT Service Vision (ITSV) 是企业的全面IT服务的性能评估和管 理的软件,这些IT服务包括计算机系统、网络系统、WEB 服务器和电话系统等。 ITSV将不同来源的数据进行整理和组织,以占有最少磁盘空间同时又能反映足够信息的方式,存放于性能数据仓库中,用GUI或批处理的方式产生组织内任意层面的报告。系统程序员及网络工程师能借此识别、研究并解决有关问题,效 益及业务分析人员能借此制定资源管理的总体策略,CIO和数据中心经理能借此定期地得到所需的汇总和分析报告。

  • SAS/PH-Clinical 结合美国食品和药物管理局(FDA)标准,为制药、生物 工艺学提供的临床数据管理系统

  • SAS/CFO Vision   CFO Vision用于财务整合和报告,内部包含了会计知识,为日常财务工作提供了现成的程序,并提供了访问所有主要数据源的接口。它主要用于:访问财务和非财务的有关信息,整合财务数据, 通过一个财务信息仓库来管理业务结构,通过财务报告和分析帮助理解财务的结果,并在组织内交流关键的业务结果信息。

  • SAS/GEO 把各种地理信息数据和不同的应用整合在一个桌面系统中。它可以完成:从SAS系统访问、修改,建立常用的地理信息数据;实现不同格式地理信息数据间的转换;对数据进行分析和显示

Monday, April 21, 2014

Business Links

1. Ontario government business

indeed inclusion policy

What are the guidelines for inclusion on Indeed?
Only include paid, current jobs directly posted to your job board by authorized company representatives. Include complete data for the job including company name, location, job title and complete job description. Job seekers should be able to view the entire job description without requiring a login and there should be no charge to apply to jobs. Respect job seekers' privacy and confidential information.
Sites that offer free posting, or sites that "crawl" or redistribute jobs from other sites will not be included.
Your site should include a clear contact page with a physical address, must not employ excessive or fraudulent advertising, and must demonstrate an appropriate level of organic traffic relative to job count.
Indeed reserves the right to remove from its index any site that fails to adhere to these guidelines or results in excessive user complaints or spam.

Source From: 

Friday, April 18, 2014

The finance sector - data, trend, job and skills

1. 加金融业主要由银行、信用联盟、人寿医疗保险、证券、财产和伤害保险、共同基金、风险投资等构成,经营其中的公司达数千家

2. insurance industry(非常健康,前景光明)
The impact of the insurance industry goes well beyond direct employment and economic activity. Many jobs in the legal, construction, auto repair, and other sectors are indirectly linked to the sector. Indeed the sector is a necessary enabler of business and community activity of all kinds. 

The average weekly earnings for the insurance industry in 2010 was $1,167 (including overtime) - an annualized salary of nearly $61,000 - the highest of the 10 provinces across Canada. The insurance industry is in the top quartile for wages among major industry groups in Ontario - 17 percent higher than manufacturing, 22 percent  higher than banking and 18 percent higher than the education sector.

A 2010 survey conducted by the Insurance Brokers Association of Ontario (IBAO) found that insurance brokers generate an annual payroll in excess of $924 million and also pay an estimated $40.8 million in business taxes per annum and another $12.6 million in annual business property taxes. There is a direct economic impact in local communities as well. The average IBAO broker purchases 82 percent of personal goods and services within their local community and the remaining 18 percent within the province of Ontario


3. Insurance market:
- life, health, property and casualty insurance (auto, home and business)
- the industry supports employment and economic activity from Kenora to Cornwall
- IT service to insurance company -> outsource or have already in place, nothing Need I do.

Insurance market share Ontario 2013

Insurance market share Canada 2001

4. Insurance entry level Job title
Insurer: 承保人,保险公司, insurance underwriter 保险承销商;保险承保人
被保险人: assured ; the insured ; insurant
  • Broker/Agent
  • Underwriter
  • Loss Adjuster
  • Risk Manager
  • Claims Investigator
  • Loss Control Specialist
  • Actuary
  • Marketing Representative
  • Appraiser
5. Insurer Fails Data

- An insufficient loss history for a particular risk can lead to mispricing and possibly insolvency. A very simple illustrative example of how the use of an inappropriate or insufficiently representative dataset could result
in mispricing

- In Canada, the General Insurance Statistical Agency (GISA) provides statistical data on auto insurance and Ontario general liability. Further, the Insurance Information Division of the Insurance Bureau of Canada (the contracted data agency for GISA) provides statistical data on personal property for subscribers and regularly holds data quality sessions for insurers. Similarly, the Casualty Actuarial Society regularly holds seminars  on pricing. 

6. Insurance Training

7. Governance to Insurance industry

8. Insurance GDP share in Ontario
The contribution of Ontario’s property and casualty (P&C) insurance companies to the provincial gross domestic product (GDP) amounted to $7.5 billion in 2009, more than the motor vehicle parts manufacturing sector and more than the entire agriculture, forestry, fishing and hunting sectors combined.

9. List of Canadian insurance companies

10. 6,562 Insurance Companies in Ontario, Canada

11. A list of auto insurance companies in Ontario
  • Allstate Insurance Company of Ontario
  • Aviva Insurance Company of Canada
  • AXA General Insurance
  • Belair Insurance Company (Belair Direct)
  • CAA Insurance Company
  • Certas Home and Auto Insurance Company
  • Chubb Insurance Company of Canada
  • Coachman Insurance Company
  • Cooperators General Insurance Company
  • CUMIS General Insurance Company
  • The Dominion of Canada General Insurance Company
  • Echelon General Insurance Company
  • Economical Mutual Insurance Company
  • Elite Insurance Company (Aviva Elite)
  • Federation Insurance Company of Canada (Economical)
  • Gore Mutual Insurance Company
  • The Guarantee Company of North America
  • Intact Insurance Company
  • Jevco Insurance Company
  • Liberty Mutual Insurance Company
  • Lombard Insurance Company
  • The Nordic Insurance Company of Canada
  • North Waterloo Farmers Mutual Insurance Company
  • Novex Insurance Company (Intact)
  • Pafco Insurance Company
  • Pembridge Insurance Company
  • The Personal Insurance Company
  • Perth Insurance Company (Economical)
  • Pilot Insurance Company (Aviva)
  • Primmum Insurance Company
  • RBC General Insurance Company
  • Royal & Sun Alliance Insurance Company of Canada
  • Scottish & York Insurance Co Limited
  • State Farm Fire and Casualty Company
  • TD General Insurance Company
  • Traders General Insurance Company
  • The Wawanesa Mutual Insurance Company
  • Western Assurance
  • York Fire & Casualty Insurance Company
  • Zenith Insurance Company
  • Zurich Insurance Company
12. IT  in the insurance industry

  • High cost of technology and the need for outsourcing

There are more than 200 P&C insurers actively competing for business in Canada. Most are fairly
small and cannot absorb the costs for developing and updating expensive IT systems. As such,
outsourcing could play a major role for P&C insurers. This raises new issues such as privacy and
confidentiality, and creates new risks ranging from loss of reputation to business interruption. The
federal regulator recently published a guideline requiring each financial institution under its
supervision to establish a risk management program to evaluate the risk/materiality of all existing and
proposed outsourcing arrangements and to monitor and control risks arising from material

How can small financial institutions like P&C insurers best manage the high costs to develop and
maintain state-of-the-art IT systems?

Technological advances and the increasing use of Internet point to the increasing importance of
brand value for differentiation. P&C insurers have traditionally had weak brand values. Should
they seek to address this and if so, how?

Source from: 

Thursday, April 17, 2014

The aging and growing population in Ontario - the consequences



Ontario’s projected population growth of 3.7 million by 2035 will result in significant demand for all types of infrastructure, from transportation, health care and education, to the electricity system and water management. For instance, an aging population and a growing number of seniors living on their own will likely have implications for housing needs, public transit and the delivery of community services.
investing $32.5 billion for public infrastructure investments over two years in all key sectors - including health, education, culture, tourism, sports and recreation, social and affordable housing, and water and environmental projects 
Green Economy
 Ontario is “well positioned” to take advantage of the rising global share of market economies by developing countries like China by increasing exports from sectors such as agri-food, infrastructure, life sciences, communications technology, education, advanced manufacturing and financial services.

Cities in Ontario - look forward

Industrial outlook

industries outlook
1. mining industry > IT
2. outsourcing management - PMP, uniersity
3. Health Care and Social Assistance - It is essentially immune from business cycles as the demand for health care continues to increase in both good and bad economic times. 

Major occupations include:  assisting occupations in support of health services (NOC 341); nurse supervisors and registered nurses (NOC 315); other technical occupations in health care (NOC 323); psychologists, social workers and counsellors (NOC 415); and physicians, dentists and veterinarians (NOC 311). 
4. Public Administration - Major occupations include:  police officers and firefighters (NOC 626); administrative and regulatory occupations (NOC 122); policy and program officers, researchers and consultants (NOC 416); and administrative support clerks (NOC 144).

Ontario's labor shortage map:

The none-choice action to aging population policy from Ontario Goverment:
1. Increase budget on public expense
2. Bring in more immigrant
3. 所有的研究集中在怎么帮助老人和解决社会劳力短缺问题,很少研究这是一个商机;而美国有ASSISTED LIVING模式是赢利性的养老解决方案,目前在加拿大还缺乏实施的条件
Assisted Living: http://www.sfu.ca/uploads/page/10/GRC_030.pdf

The choice of older age:
Hiring a full-time, privately paid caregiver may be an option, but usually only for wealthier seniors. All Provinces and Territories offer publicly subsidized home-based services, 
but demand for this assistance now outstrips supply. The unmet needs are especially great for elders with chronic disabilities who require continuous personal care and nursing services if they are to avoid having to move to a long-term care institution. 

The backbone of Canada's organized response to elder frailty, its publicly subsidized 
nursing homes, are also in short supply in most Provinces and Territories. Provinces, such as 
Ontario, Alberta, and British Columbia, have long waiting lists for nursing homes, and seniors 
often cannot be admitted into their first choices.


  1. 老龄化对Healthcare行业求职是一个利好
  2. 老龄化还带来传统职位的空缺,刚好补充上去
  3. 想赚老人的钱基本上办不到

if we build it, they will come….and we will all be the better for it

Wednesday, April 16, 2014

Clinical Trial - Outsourcing trend to China, India, and South America

The motivation of out sourcing in clinical trial:











Industry drivers

Faced with stagnating sales, an array of upcoming patent losses, and rising research and development costs, concerns have arisen about research and development productivity at leading pharmaceutical companies in recent years. This has resulted in major bids to reduce research and development expenditure. It is widely expected that such resources will further contract.
The industry overall has also been downsizing. In 2010, approximately 80,000 job cuts in the pharmaceutical and healthcare sector were announced in the US alone, according to one recent article. The trend for outsourcing key activities is compounding these losses. Meanwhile, strategic business planning, bio-statistical analysis, laboratory services, and clinical operations have been growing business sectors for CROs. Many of these jobs are being created across the Asia-Pacific region.

Trend in China
1. 人口老龄化导致老龄医药实验(老年病、慢性病)需求增加
2. 城市化导致人口集中、环境恶化,带来呼吸系统疾病增加
3. 计划生育导致年轻人比例下降,老人比例增大,进而导致老人医疗护理需求增加

Foreign companies action in China

Clinical Trial in Asia: Opportunities and Challenges

Clinical Trial trend in U.S: (2007)
1. from Northeast to Sourth and global
2. go e-Trail, Paperless

Clinical Trial in Ontario 2012-2017
1. 2/3 of clinical trial sites did not met patient recruitment expectations
2. decrease share by 12%
3. clinical trial is not big share for Ontario economy, as compared with education, manufacture, insurance, banking
4. Ontario facing difficulties in attraction of major clinical trial players
5. Small population, could not afford larger investor on clinical trial 靠山山不在,靠水水无源
6. Med-tech advance make Ontario lose commutativity : personalized medicine  by  way  of  genetics,  genomics  and  proteomics, such  evidence  is  increasingly  conducted in the context of global trials largely carried out by multinational pharmaceutical and device companies.

Canada's clinical trial infrastructure:

Thursday, April 10, 2014

The architecture of SAS Project

Part 1
Standard SAS project folders :
sasdata sasdoc sasexport sasformat sashtml sasimport sasintra saslis saslog sasmacro sassyntax

Standard Lib names:
sdata sdoc sexport sformat shtml simport sintra slis slog smacro ssyntax

Standard macro vars:
sasdata sasdoc sasexport sasformat sashtml sasimport sasintra saslis saslog sasmacro sassyntax

For more information:

Part 2

Guidelines for Organizing SAS  Project Files:

  • Business Setting:

a statistician working in a fast-paced business setting with many changing aspects, within a
very small team of managers or analysts without strong SAS or statistics skills.

  • The SAS project orgnizing:


Monday, April 7, 2014

SAS Certification






个人觉得最要紧的就是学习sas的核心stat。另外学习SAS EM也很要紧
predictive modeling的认证考试

Sunday, April 6, 2014

SAS essential

1 SAS不是一个开发工具,和C#或是java没有可比性。它只是一个应用软件而已。 2 SAS的核心技术是proc步,是它的模块们。而绝非它招牌的data步、畸形的proc sql、神来之笔或是无奈之举的MACRO、已经日暮西山的AF和SCL。data步和proc sql只是起到对数据的管理(这个也逐渐被数据库工具蚕食,数据库+SAS的架构现在貌似很主流)、加工(同前,数据库也能搞定。效率,可移植性都不可同日而语),现在看起来,这些更像是SAS对其他输入数据的一个过渡,一个妥协。 3 另一方面,由于各个领域都有大牛、巨牛的存在,SAS的code几十年来被折腾出了无数超级牛B、很牛B或是一般牛B的玩法(蛮多是SAS自己的技术人员为了卖产品灵光乍现或是含辛茹苦出来的,毕竟客户花了大价钱买SAS,希望SAS多干点事情)。“原来SAS还可以这么做!!”不断被提起,重复,再提起,再重复。这样或多或少会提高“不明真相”的用户对SAS的期望,SAS被神化,真的很多原来做开发杀进来搞SAS的“开发”,除了对统计知识的“头大异常”,就是抱怨SAS code的种种弱智,前者好歹可以理解成一个黑箱,一个函数,一个封装了的算法,而后者则只能舍近求远,入乡随俗了。 4 SAS的BASE模块就是苦力的干活,是SAS的鸡肋。STAT以及等等模块才是SAS的精髓。最后是一个不是很恰当的比喻,WOW也有自己的“开发语言”(能这样称呼吗?反正可以写来定制界面,数据搜集、开发些小玩意,做插件之类的等等),对于物品和技能的使用也有类似于MACRO的概念(当年的自然迅捷+大加血 ^_^)。但是这些都无法掩盖WOW本身的光辉,我想SAS就是如此本文来自: 人大经济论坛 SAS专版 版,详细出处参考: http://bbs.pinggu.org/forum.php?mod=viewthread&tid=797179&page=1 The University of South Florida - SAS/USF Analytics and Business Intelligence SAS Enterprise Miner or an equivalent SAS analytics package in the Data Mining and Statistical Data Mining courses •ISM 6136 Data Mining •ISM 6137 Statistical Data Mining •ISM 6218 Advanced Database Administration •ISM 6208 Data Warehousing