Wednesday, November 4, 2015


The strategy pattern allows algorithm variation based on the parameters. In this pattern, one macro implements the
algorithm, and the selection comes to the implementation macro through the macro parameters
data work.taxExample;
length grossAmount totalTax 8;
grossAmount = 34000;

%macro calculateTaxes(dataset,county);

%macro taxStrategy(county);

%macro DeKalb;
totalTax = grossAmount * 0.06;
%mend deKalb;

%macro Fulton;
totalTax = grossAmount * 0.075;
%mend Fulton;

%macro Gwinnett;
totalTax = grossAmount * 0.06;
%mend Gwinnett;

%if &county. = DeKalb or
&county. = Fulton or
&county. = Gwinnett %then
%mend taxStrategy;

data &dataset.;
set &dataset.;


proc print data=&dataset.;

%mend calculateTaxes;

%calculateTaxes(dataset=work.taxExample, county=Fulton);

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